RadonicRodgers launched today its new Web site architecture and interface, www.radonicrodgers.com, with a re-organized content structure, new content categories, Social Media links, BLOG section, and responsive layouts for mobile users.
The new site utilizes the latest Web technologies such as HTML5 and WordPress with responsive-optimized viewing for the best view possible on mobile devices that intelligently and dynamically minimizes the layout for smaller screens, as well as the latest Web typeface rendering technologies that offers SEO-friendly textual content and maintains a higher level of typographic continuity with the RadonicRodgers Strategy+ brand. Created with the user experience in mind, the Website has been designed so that the site is compatible with today’s browsers and mobile devices — without the need for obsolete plugins such as Adobe® Flash.
New content categories include EXPERIENCE and LAUNCHED which are new sections that showcase RadonicRodgers’ deep client experience in the Travel & Tourism space as well as new campaigns, new brands, and new marketing pieces that have been recently launched by RadonicRodgers. Case Studies is renamed RESULTS showcasing significant marketing metrics for clients. POSITION PAPERS showcases the company’s white papers on various Travel & Tourism marketing topics, some of which have been published in other industry magazines.
As a visual reinforcement of RadonicRodgers’ industry niche focus, a variety of Travel & Tourism background images are randomly populated with carefully selected panoramas, curated from colourful Travel & Tourism images of many destinations spanning the globe. The Website backgrounds are optimized to fill the entire browser window and intelligently scale the images regardless of the sizing of the window — though larger screens will benefit from the dramatic background landscapes.